iron age

Celtic Harmony (Hertfordshire, UK) is an open air museum with ceveral ironage roundhouses, used to educate about prehistoric living. In 2016 new roundhouses were built. For this occasion I teamed up with them to make these scenes on life in the ironage.
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Roundhouses are a type of housing specific to the British Isles in the bronzeage and especially the iron age.
Roundhouses typically have their fireplace in the center. It doesn't have a chimney or hole in the roof, because the draft would easier set fire to the thatched…
The ironage is an age of clans that knew the occasional violence. It's known both from archaeology and from roman sources that worriers would use white lime in…
Roundhouses were home to an extended family unit.
Storytelling was a very important aspect of ironage culture and tradition. Storyteller Andy Stevens (Tales From The Heart) captivating his audience under the…
Little is known for certain of the beliefsystem of ironage peoples, because the accounts from the Roman historians are likely biased.
Bodies that were deposited in the marshes in the ironage were sometimes remarkably well preserved when the marsh turned to peat. Often these so called …